
Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob Squarepants is on Nick. Some
people think that the show is just for younger kids,
but really, teenagers watch it a lot too. Why?
Because. He's yellow, he has squarepants, and he
lives in a pineapple. No other is like Spongebob.
Spongebob is awesome...I mean seriously, you
can't hate Spongebob!


Patrick Star. He's Spongebot's best friend. The    
fact that he acts so retarded makes him really
funny. Like the Campfire Song. It's pretty
gross that he stuffs food in his bellybutton but
you know what? Ohhhhhh well.

Squidward Tentacles. He's the more sensible
one, I guess. But he's always a downer. And
the flue playing? My goooosh! They could
have at least given him an instrument that he
could actually play...smh. And he doesn't
even do his job right! Actually, I take that
back. Because the one time he was actually
nice, Mr. Krabbs told him that his
job was to serve the krabby patties and insult
the customers. Positive? Well all the times he
gets annoyed at Spongebob and Patrick and
yells at them, they get more obnoxious so I
guess he's okayyy.

Eugene Krabbs aka Mr. Krabbs. Owner of
the Krusty Krab. His obsession with money
is weird...how could squidward "accidentally"
stuff a oversized dime in his pants??? And I
used to think that Mr. Krabbs sang the theme
song but Alicia told me it was some other guy.
Patrick something. Not Patrick the star.
Because if it was him, they would have to remix
his voice and stuff. Also, how come Mr. Krabb's
daughter is a whale?? That just doesn't make
sense. I mean, crabs can't hook up with whales,
right? Or maybe it was some other creature that
when mixed with a crab, made a whale!! WOW
Spongebob is educational too!

I think her name is Pearl, and I wasn't going to
include her but now, she's like a science experiment.
Well, she's a whale. And somehow, she's Mr. Krabb's
daughter....she tries to be a cheerleader and practically
sits on the Krusty Krab everytime she's there. And she
likes small, skinny fish named Herman, which is a very
ugly name...but that episode where Mr. Krabbs had to
jack food from people's houses to feed her was funnyy.

Mrs. Puff. Okay, she's the boating instructor, and it's
funny because Spongebob drives her crazy, literally.
I think she has anxiety problems now because of
Spongebob. Like, in-need-of-therapy problems.
Like the time when Mr. Krabbs went to her house
with Spongebob to take her on a date. When she
saw Spongebob she was like, "I need to call my
insurance company." and I was like, woooooow.
I think she's a blowfish because Mrs. Puff blows up
everytime she gets excited. Her husband's death
was so sad........

Sandy Cheeks. She's a squirrel from Texas. She's cool
all with the karate chopping in kicking Bikini
Bottom's butt, but I hate her accent. I don't
mind the light accents, but the deep or otherwise
fake western accents are really annoying to me.
So Sandy is just on the line. And the episode
where Spongebob was like, "I remember the
day me and Sandy got maaarried." I was
shocked until I saw it was a play. Because
I thought squirrels used sponges as their chew

Plankton. He's Mr. Krabb's arch enemy,
always trying to steal the secret formula.
And he runs the Chum Bucket, a wannabe
restaurant. Spongebob has stepped on him
sooooo many times and he's always flicked
off by Mr. Krabb, yet he dreams of world
domination. Does it make sense? No. But
nothing does.
Consider this a critique on Spongebob Squarepants, the show.
Lexus Honda Ford Car Lady

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